October '21 Update

The Pakistani class just completed their third module on expository preaching. 36 pastors from 15 different cities were in attendance! Rather than give the update myself of how the class went, I thought you would rather hear directly from the pastors themselves.

Pastor M. writes,

Pakistan is the second largest Muslim country where 98% are Muslims. There are very few opportunities for pastors and church leaders to be equipped; there are no biblical resources available. We praise God for the Expositor’s Academy (TEA) taking this initiative for the very first time to equip Pakistani pastors and church leaders.

By the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Pakistan Expository class has completed unit 3. We learnt Block diagraming the biblical passage, word studies, use of resources, exegetical idea of the passage and timeless truth of the passage. All the students had an amazing learning experience and motivation to go more deeper in God’s Word by diligent study. All the Pastors from the different cities of Pakistan are experiencing remarkable study methods to expose the biblical text.

We praise God for the donors and supporters who are investing their financial resources to build up the pastors and churches in Pakistan. God bless you and continue to use your passion for the Glory of His Ministry.”

You can donate online at https://www.tmai.org/donate/. In the ‘recipient’ box select ‘specified school’ and then select ‘The Philippines’. Finally, in the box which indicates ‘any comments or giving instructions’, make sure to put ‘Pakistan training’.

  • You can donate by check – made out to ‘TMAI’; on the memo line put ‘student support
    The Masters Academy International (TMAI)
    13428 Roscoe Blvd.
    Sun Valley, CA 91352

Testimony from Pastor S.

I reside in a village in northern Pakistan. I am a working full time pastor. My city is a biggest city, we are facing many challenges, just a month ago, an eight year old Christian girl was raped in the school, this not first time. So we have started a school for our own children.

In our big city, even there is not a single Bible school there. We don’t have resources of Bible studies and even don’t have platform to be equipped. I praise God since I heard and joined Expository Preaching class. I am experiencing an amazing Bible study program. It is an eye opening experience for me and my preaching ministry. Expository preaching class is the answer of our prayers. I wish in my city there must be at least one expository Bible school. Because this need of all the pastors who are in the ministry. I believe one day the Lord will make it possible for us. I also want to share my deepest thanks to TEA, providing such a great program to us in Pakistan. This is one of the unique and very important program for all of us.

Testimony from Pastor A.

I am Pastor Amanat from Kashmir a place which has been the subject of a dispute between India and Pakistan since 1947. In 1947, there was a small church of 29 Christian believers but the whole church was slaughtered in 1948 by extremists Muslims. Only one lady was survived. Many years later on the blood of his martyrs Christ started to rebuild his church again.

Now we have only two churches in Kashmir. We are living very far and having no even any opportunity to learn and grow. I praise God Pastor M who helped us even in beginning a prayer movement in Kashmir and started Mission and evangelism. Now we have a growing church. I praise God for the expository preaching program started in Pakistan. In the beginning, I felt as it will be impossible for me to do that, because I was living very far and had many other challenges to come and join. But I praise God for the encouragement by Pastor M and provision by TEA to do this program. I even can’t imagine how great this program was until I personally experienced. This expository study has changed my perspective and thinking. I was totally unaware and preaching in ignorance. This program helping me to understand biblical Preaching well rooted in text and it’s context. Thanks Pastor M, Pastor Tim and Pastor D for your love, training and encouraging support in this area. God bless TEA.

Afghan Refugee Update

Many of you have contacted me, asking for an update on the refugees who have fled to Northern Pakistan with nothing but their lives and the clothes on their backs. Several churches and individuals have provided funds for bibles and basic needs for these dear saints. Please continue to be in prayer for them and for those who are helping them at great risk to themselves.

I have been asked to speak (via Zoom) on Nov 2nd to a group of about 80 Afghan believers at a conference being organized by Pastor M. in northern Pakistan. Please pray that the Lord would use His word to be a help and encouragement as I preach to them. Pray also for the Lord to continue to protect and provide for our brothers and sisters who are going through much suffering for Christ.

Prayer Requests

Here are additional things you can be praying for:

  • Pray for the safety and protection of the Pakistani pastors and their families who face much persecution.

  • Please pray for my preparation of unit 4 (in Mid November) that I would be accurate and clear.

  • Please continue to pray for the pastors in Myanmar that I am training as they still are not allowed to gather for worship and many are suffering financial hardship due to the shutdowns as well as the military-controlled government.

  • Be praying also for the Filipino pastors and their families, many of whom are facing financial challenges as well.

  • Pray also for wisdom for me as I spend time with these pastors who ask many questions regarding pastoral ministry, counseling, theology, and their personal lives.

  • Please pray for my wife who is involved with other missionary wives - that she would be a blessing and encouragement to them.

  • Pray also for our marriage - that we would honor Christ in our family.

If You Wish to Support Us

If the Lord leads you to support this ministry, you can do in several different ways:

  1. Credit Cardgo to our GMI link. Note that GMI covers all online expenses so that 100% of your donation goes to our support.

  2. Direct Deposit: print out the form from this link and follow its instructions. The missionary/project name is “Tim Carns”.

  3. Check: make it payable to “GMI” and write “Tim Carns” on the memo line. Then mail it to Grace Ministries International, 13248 Roscoe Blvd., Sun Valley, CA 91352.

Tim Carns