August '21 Update

The summer has indeed been eventful. In fact, it has been so eventful that I failed to send an update for last month! Thus, there is much to fill you in on, but given my commitment to keep my updates short, I will first give you a few bullet points of training overall in Asia and then give you a few more details of the newest area of training, Pakistan.
Please do not forward this update for the safety of those mentioned.

Bird’s Eye View of Asia

Asia map.gif

With the current state of travel being limited around the world, I have continued weekly virtual classes with pastors from the Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, and monthly with the pastors in Pakistan. Here is what we are covering currently with each group.

  • group in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines: 3rd module on expository preaching (focuses on how to study and preach biblical poetry)

  • group in Cebu, Philippines: 4th module on expository preaching
    (focuses on how to study and preach biblical prophecy)

  • group in Baguio, Philippines: because this group has already completed the expository preaching program, we have been doing advanced topics. Currently we are covering how to study and teach narratives.

  • Pakistan group: completed 2 of 5 units for the first module on expository preaching. I’ll give more details below.

Overall, the men have been faithful and perseverant since we transitioned to the online training over 15 months ago. But there have indeed been several moments of Zoom fatigue that we have experienced. So now and again, I give them (and me) a week or two off. We certainly look forward to the day that we can meet together in person after travel restrictions are lifted.

By the way, if you are interested to see the online training firsthand, feel free to go to my YouTube channel.

The Worm’s Eye View

Okay, technically worms don’t have eyes, but it’s still a catchy phrase, don’t you think? Anyway, I wanted to give a brief focus on the training in Pakistan as the Lord has been greatly blessing our time together. We just finished our second unit which consists of a three-day (all day sessions) where the men gather together in a large city and then I and a fellow missionary in the Philippines teach via Zoom from 1pm to 11pm (their local time).

The men have continued to be eager, diligent, faithful, and persevering. I saw this on the first day of the second unit together as we were approaching about 10:30pm and some of the men seemed a little weary. So, I asked them if they would like to finish for the evening. After a brief silence, one of the men said they really want to continue but several of the men had traveled over 20 hours through the night and had just arrived when the class started. So, we ended a little early that night.

Risking Everything for the Sake of Christ

To teach these men has been such a great privilege and tremendous blessing for me. They are modern day heroes to me, risking much for the sake of Christ. Which brings me to something heavy upon my heart. Please be in prayer for them, especially given recent events in Afghanistan which borders Pakistan to the north.

Several of these pastors lead underground churches near the border - a region where the Taliban is active.

One of the pastors from the group had recently written to me that God had been doing a work there and that “many Afghani people from different Taliban groups and other ethnic groups are being saved and coming to the Lord. Churches are growing and being strengthened every day.”

But, from the first day the U.S. forces left Afghanistan, the Taliban have been hunting down Christians (especially pastors) and killing them. I recently received this message from a pastor in Afghanistan:

“Taliban going door to door seeking Christians, searching through phones for Bible Apps. They are getting all their phones and killing them bringing them outside to the Mountain. They don’t want any Christian in Afghanistan.”

Please (please!) commit to pray each day for our brothers and sisters as Heb 13:3 tells us, “remember … those who are mistreated since you also are in the body.” To that end, would you also please pray for me as I speak at a conference with pastors from the underground churches in Northern Pakistan this coming Monday?

Prayer Requests

Here are additional things you can be praying for:

  • In addition to the conference next week, please also pray for several other preaching opportunities in the next several weeks at churches in the U.S. and in the Philippines.

  • Pray for the safety and protection of these pastors who face much persecution and other ministry burdens.

  • Please pray for my preparation for these courses that I would be accurate and clear.

  • Pray for the financial resources to carry on the training in Pakistan. It takes about $1000 to cover the food, travel, lodging, course materials, and utilities needed for all the pastors during each 3-day module.
    If you would like to support, here is how you can do that:

    • Check: make it out to TMAI and on the memo line put ‘student support – South Asia’. Mail to:
      The Masters Academy International (TMAI)
      13428 Roscoe Blvd.
      Sun Valley, CA 91352

    • Donate Online at In the ‘recipient’ box select ‘specified school’ and then select ‘The Philippines’. Finally, in the box which indicates ‘any comments or giving instructions’, make sure to put ‘Pakistan training’.

If You Wish to Support Pastors Training Ministry

If the Lord leads you to support this ministry, you can do in several different ways:

  1. Credit Cardgo to our GMI link. Note that GMI covers all online expenses so that 100% of your donation goes to our support.

  2. Direct Deposit: print out the form from this link and follow its instructions. The missionary/project name is “Tim Carns”.

  3. Check: make it payable to “GMI” and write “Tim Carns” on the memo line. Then mail it to Grace Ministries International, 13248 Roscoe Blvd., Sun Valley, CA 91352.

Tim Carns