Annual Family Update 2019

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Tim and Tina! If you’ve been reading our monthly ministry updates, then you know it has been a busy year for PTM, full of classes, seminars, conferences, and vision trips. We are so thankful that God has been blessing this ministry abundantly and we look forward to another year of pouring into pastors around the world.

 Since it’s December, we’re going to keep in the annual tradition of giving a brief family update of the extended Carns Clan, all of whom are involved in PTM in one way or another.  

Tim and Tina

This year, Tim and Tina joined a new category – empty nesters! Well.. kind of. All their children graduated from high school; however, many of them are still living on the Carns Compound. They attended 3 of their children’s graduations this year, 2 of which happened on the same day! They are also enjoying their full-scale entrance into grandparenthood with 5 grandkids under 3, spending nearly all of their “free” time jumping on the trampoline, going to the zoo, or celebrating birthdays!

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In addition to his role as elder and Pastor of Missions and Discipleship at Calvary Bible Church, Tim has been teaching regularly in the young families ministry (Stronghold) on practical topics like marriage, parenting, finances, and more. He also leads the Leadership Training and Discipleship program for the men at CBC.

Tina is again leading the MOMs group, this year they are doing an inductive study through 2 Peter. She joins Tim with some counseling and mentoring women. Mostly, she has been helping with all the little toddlers in her life!


Hannah and Michael

Hannah and Michael are still living in Burbank with Silas (3) Annecy and Sevi (almost 2) as well as incubating their second set of twins due in the spring! Michael is working as a senior financial analyst for a company in Agoura Hills. In the last few months, he has transitioned into working from home part-time, which has been a huge blessing to their family during a difficult pregnancy.

Hannah spends her days coordinating the toddlers, touring the parks of Burbank, and trying to grow the next two identical twin boys. She has also really enjoyed playing the piano and being involved as a leader in training for the MOMs group at CBC.

Silas is a thoughtful, sweet little 3 year old who spends most of his days playing with puzzles, legos and jumping everywhere! He continues to love reading books, especially the story of Jonah and the big fish, and is enjoying learning how to read himself!  His favorite person is his dad, who will spend hours and hours doing the same activity and going generally at the same relaxed pace.

Annecy is a spunky, talkative toddler who keeps us constantly laughing at her funny expressions and antics. She is very responsible and keep busy helping mom with household chores and organizing her siblings’ lives.  She has been speaking in full sentences since 18months old and acquires language at a very rapid pace. Her favorite person is “my mama”, who will keep her fully occupied and match her (often frantic) pace.

Sevigne is our independent, sensitive little girl who loves to snuggle and will fall asleep literally anywhere. She is very precise and coordinated, often understanding how to do things with her hands well before her siblings. While the other two are often playing (or fighting) together, Sevigne will be off in her own world doing her own thing. She doesn’t have a favorite parent and will often try to hug us both at the same time.

Bethany and John

Bethany and John are also living in Burbank with Thaddeus (2) and Olive (1). Bethany is keeping busy with her 2 under 2 as well as working with DoTerra Essential Oils part-time. She has enjoyed her studying 2 Peter in her inductive bible study with the MOMs group at CBC. John is currently working at Ram Board as a Category Manager and part-time as a tutor. In his spare time, he builds beautiful furniture for the family and works on his truck with Thaddeus.


Thaddeus is a busy, intuitive 2 year-old who will talk to anything and anyone! In true toddler boy fashion, he intensely loves trucks, dirt, and anything with wheels. This year, he learned his alphabet, 20 sight words, and can count to 10. He is currently learning the ever important skill of using a toilet.

Olive just passed her first year and had a wonderful Doljabi (traditional Korean first birthday) in which she chose a stethoscope (doctor) for her future profession. She loves her family, especially her brother, who is quickly becoming her favorite person. Olive loves all foods, horses, and is saying “mama, dada, and auntie”!


Daniel graduated from UCSD with a Bachelor’s in Structural Engineering, focus on Geotechnical Structure. He moved back to Burbank (living with the Mockarys) and now works for the City of Burbank as a Civil Engineering Assistant, as well as part-time software developer and drafter for a consultant company in San Diego. He spends what little free time he has left with the CBC career and college ministry or being chased around the house by his adoring nieces and nephews who affectionally refer to him as Uncle Dan-Dan.


Carissa graduated from UCLA in the summer with a double B.A. in English and History then moved back to Burbank to work for a local company as a project manager. She is keeping plenty busy between serving in both the college and high school ministry at CBC, and solidifying her role as the fun (slightly crazy) aunt to her nieces and nephews. In January, she is looking forward to traveling with Tim and a group from CBC to the Philippines on a short-term missions trip for 10 days.


Brie finished out a great senior year with a major role in her last high school play, The Crucible, as Rebecca Nurse. She graduated from Burbank High School in May and is now pursuing her teaching credential and a degree in Elementary Education from CSUN. She works as a math tutor and made her first major adult purchase – a 1989 Ford F-150 (which she is also working on fixing up and learning how to drive).  

Thank YOU, the PTM Family! 

We are so thankful for you all, our faithful supporters. You bless us continually!  Tina and I consider you all as part of our larger family in Christ.
We'd love to get an update on you and your families as well - please send to our email or to 1353 N. Naomi St. Burbank, CA 91501. 

Prayer Requests

  • Tim leaves for 5 weeks to travel to Malawi, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Please pray for his time there - health, safety, and effectiveness in teaching the pastors and preaching at the local churches.

  • Tina sprained her ankle. She is managing many responsibilities at home and with her sick mom. Please pray for quick healing and grace during a busy season caring for others. 

  • Hannah has had some complications with her pregnancy (twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome) and needed fetal surgery on the twins. Praise the Lord that it was successful and the babies seem to be responding well; however, she is at risk for early delivery because of the surgery. Please pray that the Lord would keep the babies safe and healthy. 

  • Praise - more monthly support came in this month! We still need about $400 a month. 

If You Wish to Support Us

If the Lord leads you to support this ministry, you can do in several different ways: 

  1. Credit Card: go to our GMI link. Note that GMI covers all online expenses so that 100% of your donation goes to our support.

  2. Direct Deposit: print out the form from this link and follow its instructions. The missionary/project name is “Tim Carns”.

  3. Check: make it payable to “GMI” and write “Tim Carns” on the memo line. Then mail it to Grace Ministries International, 13248 Roscoe Blvd., Sun Valley, CA 91352.

Tim Carns