Nov '19 Update - Back from Africa


Another busy fall schedule has come to a close! I recently returned from Malawi where I again had the opportunity to teach the MDiv students at TMAI’s Central African Preaching Academy (CAPA). I was also able to teach some of the alumni on how to study and preach from the Minor Prophets as part of an effort by CAPA to provide continued training and resources for those who have graduated from the school.

These MDiv students are in their third and final year. Though tired, they continue to work hard in completing their assignments. I again found them eager to understand the word as we discussed the wonderful topic of soteriology, specifically justification, sanctification, adoption, and perseverance. Not only did we discuss the great truths of these doctrines but also how they applied personally and pastorally. Many times we found ourselves pausing to thank and praise the Lord for His amazing work of salvation.

Had a wonderful dinner with graduate Ernest Kanzangaza and his wife, Naomi

Had a wonderful dinner with graduate Ernest Kanzangaza and his wife, Naomi

The alumni were likewise just as hungry for the training now as before they graduated. One of the pastors was excited to take what he was learning and teach it to fellow pastors in and around the village where he pastors. After a long discussion on the importance of understanding the purpose of a book before preaching from it, another of the alumni exclaimed that he needed to re-preach the passage he had taught on the previous Sunday. It was so refreshing and humbling to see the excitement and the humility of these men in their desire to study and preach the Word accurately.

On this trip, I was blessed to have Jon Denney with me (the other mzungu ‘white man’ in the picture above). He pastors Mount Zion Baptist Church in Edgerton, Missouri. Earlier in the year he had expressed interest in the training ministry at CAPA and accepted my invitation to come. The men were greatly blessed with Jon’s teaching on the doctrines of assurance and glorification.

Please continue to pray for these men to persevere through their final year and that the Lord would bless their efforts to pastor the flocks which God has placed them in.

Jon and Tim.jpg

As Jon and I were taking in the sights on our off day, we were reminded by a local crocodile that we were indeed in Africa.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray the men would finish their MDiv program strong and complete all their assignments so they can graduate

  • Pray that graduation will be an encouragement to the men and to the churches that support them

  • Pray for their faithfulness in being godly and accurate preachers of the truth to their flocks

  • Pray also for the missionaries there – for health and strength and encouragement in the ministry (Jim and Bethany Ayres, David and Amy Temple, Matt and Brianne Kopp, Tony and Santie McCracken, Tim and Emily Moschera, Elliot Kang)

  • We still need to raise about $600/mo in committed monthly giving. Please pray that the Lord would provide for all our financial needs.

If You Wish to Support Us

If the Lord leads you to support this ministry, you can do in several different ways: 

  1. Credit Card: go to our GMI link. Note that GMI covers all online expenses so that 100% of your donation goes to our support.

  2. Direct Deposit: print out the form from this link and follow its instructions. The missionary/project name is “Tim Carns”.

  3. Check: make it payable to “GMI” and write “Tim Carns” on the memo line. Then mail it to Grace Ministries International, 13248 Roscoe Blvd., Sun Valley, CA 91352.

Tim Carns