October '20 Update

Expanding to SE Asia - New Group Started!


Last month, I had asked you to pray for two new opportunities for training men in closed countries within SE Asia. I am so excited to report that the Lord has already answered one of those prayers!  
A new group, made up of 18 pastors and church leaders from two countries in SE Asia, began in early October. Both countries are listed in the top 25 countries in the world where it is most dangerous to be a Christian.

Please be praying for me to figure out the most effective way to teach these faithful men, because of challenges due to the varying education levels and English proficiencies. Additionally, I will be teaching weekly, which is a new format I will set up for the usual six module course on Expository Preaching that I teach with TEA.

Another Opportunity in a Closed Country 

The other training opportunity (that I mentioned in a previous update) is in another country in South Asia. This country is over 95% Muslim and ranks in the top ten on the list of most dangerous countries to be a Christian. I am hopeful that we will be able to begin training there in the next month or two, but the enemy is seeking to thwart that effort.
The plan is to hold monthly 3-day sessions over the course of 5 months. There is an immediate financial need for this group of men to be able to attend the sessions, including transportation, housing, and food costs while they are there. If you would like to sponsor a pastor, the cost for each three-day session is around $150 per pastor. Please contact me directly, not via our normal support channels.

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I am thankful for these unexpected opportunities to come alongside these brothers who live in countries that are closed to missionaries – countries in great need of the gospel and of men who are equipped to accurately and clearly preach the Word of God. What an incredible privilege to be a part of that!

Updated YouTube Channel!
Since I have been unable to travel since March due to Covid restrictions, I have transitioned to teaching weekly classes via Zoom (I am sure this has become obvious to you given the format of all the class photos that I have shared these last few months.) As part of the training, I not only provide my teaching notes to the men after each class; I also record the class and put it on my YouTube channel so that they can access it later.

Here is a link to a recent class:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGFS24BrGAk

Feel free to browse the channel if you want to see what I have been up to or if you are having trouble falling asleep 😊.


Prayer Requests

  • Please commit to regularly pray for our many brothers and sisters around the world where it is dangerous for them to be a Christ. Pray especially for the pastors there who are on the front lines.

  • Please pray for the men in the new training group – pray I would be effective in teaching them and that they would grasp the material.

  • Pray also for the Lord’s protection for them as well as provision for their daily needs.

  • Please pray for the Lord to sustain me with the added training – each group requires much more time than just the teaching; there are many administrated requirements such as grading, recording and posting videos, providing additional materials, working with students who need additional help, etc…

  • Pray also for additional support and for ministry partners. We are about $200/mo from meeting our needed monthly amount.

If You Wish to Support Us

If the Lord leads you to support this ministry, you can do in several different ways: 

  1. Credit Card: go to our GMI link. Note that GMI covers all online expenses so that 100% of your donation goes to our support.

  2. Direct Deposit: print out the form from this link and follow its instructions. The missionary/project name is “Tim Carns”.

  3. Check: make it payable to “GMI” and write “Tim Carns” on the memo line. Then mail it to Grace Ministries International, 13248 Roscoe Blvd., Sun Valley, CA 91352.

Tim Carns