May '20 Update

Zoom Room Fatigue (But Still Grateful)

Online Workshops Continue

As I mentioned in my previous update, in lieu of not being able to travel, I began doing training workshops online via Zoom every week. The focus of these workshops has been to work through the exegetical and expositional process for preparing sermons. I have been going through John 4 with the pastors in the Cagayan de Oro module and Ps 99 with the pastors in the Cebu module. I am thankful to have been able to complete seven sessions with each group as of last week with about 90% of the men still participating.

Going through Ps 99 with the pastors in Cebu (yes, I’m in my newscaster garb – they can’t see my shorts)

While I miss not being able to see these dear brothers in person, I have found the sessions to be very encouraging as we not only discuss the particular passage we are studying, but have also addressed a number of pastoral issues along the way. For example, a couple of weeks ago we discussed what true worship should look like on a Sunday morning (in response to John 4:23-24) and whether it would be okay to have communion together virtually.

These times together have become a much needed time of fellowship between us as some of the pastors in the more remote areas are very isolated. These dear brothers are in need of encouragement for many of them are facing many challenges both financially and spiritually in the midst of this current pandemic. Please continue to pray for them.

Going through John 4 with the pastors in Cagayan de Oro (yup, shorts again!)

Going through John 4 with the pastors in Cagayan de Oro (yup, shorts again!)

Men from previous modules have also requested me to do workshops with them as well as a way for fellowship and to continue to work on their skills of exegesis and exposition. I am planning to offer training to them as well in the next couple of weeks, Lord willing.

Completed Canvas Training to Aid Online Classes

In addition to training others, I have taken advantage of the stay at home directive by getting some training myself. TMAI has adopted the learning management software platform called Canvas. Many educational institutions use this software to organize and facilitate online education.

Dr. John Hughes conducted an informative and helpful three-week online course in how to use Canvas for our training needs. This tool will be of great benefit in the type of modular training that I do overseas.

Sermon from Ruth

Finally, I would like share a message with you from Ruth that I preached at our church last week. It is definitely applicable to the times in which we now live.

Prayer Requests

  • Please continue to pray for the online workshops – that the pastors would be able to access by internet and that I would be effective teaching through that medium.

  • Pray also that I can add more workshops for other pastors in the Philippines.

  • As I mentioned last month, continue to pray for the pastors in the more rural areas who are under quarantine but have little to no video access and are limited in their ability to interact with those in their churches. Pray for their financial needs as well.

  • Pray also for wisdom regarding when to plan for my next training trip.

  • Please be praying for our health and that our marriage and family would glorify Christ.

  • Please be in prayer for the unrest in our nation; pray that God would bring comfort to the hurting, justice to those who have been victimized, and peace in our land through the gospel of Jesus Christ

If You Wish to Support Us

If the Lord leads you to support this ministry, you can do in several different ways: 

  1. Credit Cardgo to our GMI link. Note that GMI covers all online expenses so that 100% of your donation goes to our support.

  2. Direct Deposit: print out the form from this link and follow its instructions. The missionary/project name is “Tim Carns”.

  3. Check: make it payable to “GMI” and write “Tim Carns” on the memo line. Then mail it to Grace Ministries International, 13248 Roscoe Blvd., Sun Valley, CA 91352.

Tim Carns