April '20 Update

Flexing to Online Workshops

This month, I had planned to be meeting face-to-face with some Cambodian pastors who desire to be trained and that was to be followed by teaching several modules in the Philippines. But the Lord had different plans with the global pandemic.
However, we are doing our best to flex as a ministry. Rather than wait until things open up for me to travel again, I started online training sessions each week with the pastors in the modular preaching program. Having completed two weeks of online training so far I have found these workshops to be an effective means to help the men better understand how to move from text to sermon, while also allowing for a great time of fellowship together.

Poetry with the pastors in Cebu

Poetry with the pastors in Cebu

Narratives with the men in CDO

Narratives with the men in CDO

During these sessions, I am going through each step of the process from text to sermon for a passage in the particular genre of the Bible that they are currently studying. For example, since the men in Cebu are is currently in the poetic genre, we are studying Ps 99 together; and the men in Cagayan de Oro are in the narrative genre, so we are going through John 4 together.

The workshops were launched two weeks ago and, though the internet is not readily accessible for everyone, over 90% of the men have been able to participate. I have also been recording the sessions for those who are unable to attend or for the men to be able to review. I still need more experience using this online medium so I would appreciate your prayers that this training would be helpful to the men.

Ministry Challenges Overseas

While spending time with the pastors, I have been struck by the many challenges that they are facing both in life and in ministry. The Philippines are in a strict lock down and only one person from each household is allowed to leave the home on certain days for only a few hours at a time.

One pastor from a more rural area was telling me that people in his congregation do not have access to the internet. Thus he is not able to live stream or even record his sermons since no one would be able to see it. He told me that he has about an hour on Sundays to go around to peoples’ home to say a quick ‘hello’ and give them a written copy of his sermons.

Many of the pastors describe how people in their congregations are really struggling, especially in the provinces because so many are living day to day. And with most business closed they have no means for an income and little to no government relief. Several of the pastors are in this same situation since many of them also have to work another job to provide for their families because the church is unable to support them. Please be in prayer for these pastors and for our brothers and sisters overseas. They are facing much greater challenges than most of us in the States.

A Psalm for Times Like These

Finally, I would like share a message with you that I recently preached a message at our church, one which relates to the circumstances we are currently facing in our homes and in our communities. It is from Psalm 127.

A Song of Ascents, of Solomon.

1 Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain.

2 It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late, To eat the bread of painful labors; For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.

3 Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.

4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth.

5 How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed When they speak with their enemies in the gate.

Prayer Requests

  • ·We praise the Lord for bringing Malachi and Ezekiel home from the NICU over a week ago. Please pray for their continued health and development, they are still having issues with coordinating their eating and breathing.

  • Please pray for the online workshops – that the pastors would be able to access by internet and that I would be effective teaching through that medium.

  • Pray for the pastors in the more rural areas who are under quarantine but have little to no video access and are limited in their ability to interact with those in their churches. Pray for their financial needs as well.

  • I also desire your prayers for me that I would be a servant leader in my home and that I would be a godly example for my family

  • Pray also for strength for Tina as she is caring for several family needs, particularly with her mom and our grandkids


Tim Carns