Annual Family Update 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I want to begin by expressing my heartfelt appreciation to you for reading these updates, for praying for us, and for supporting us, especially in what has been such a difficult year. Even in the midst of all that has happened in 2020 the Lord has opened up several doors for training pastors in much needed areas. We are looking forward to seeing what He will do in 2021.
And in what has become a tradition this last update of the year takes on a more personal tone as we wanted to give an update on our family. And we do that because your support of this ministry is very personal to us.


Tim and Tina: are still waiting to be settled into their new quarters in Idaho as construction permits have taken much longer than expected with the pandemic. Lord willing, their new space will be finished by spring and they can stop living out of their suitcases. Tim has been busy teaching several weekly classes, while Tina has been continuing her Titus 2 international small group. She spends most of her time helping with the multitude of grandkids and teaching the older three Mockary kids how to read and write. Any spare time they have goes to walking the river paths (called the Greenbelt) and trying to find authentic Mexican food in Boise.

Hannah and Michael: are adjusting well to Boise life and adjusting as well as can be expected to having 5 kids under 5. They spend most of their day behind the curve and in the toddlerhood extremes of laughing or crying. They want to thank everyone who prayed for their little twin boys this past year who are showing no complications from the twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome which threatened their life. Praise the Lord! The boys are sunshine babies who have brought so much joy to the family. Silas (4) is a thoughtful, protective brother who enjoys taking things apart and seeing how they work. Some of those things we still haven’t figured out how to put back together. Annecy (almost 3) is a responsible, independent girl who takes great care of the whole family. Sevi (almost 3) is our silly snuggler, who is more than happy to be the one taken care of.  

Bethany and John: recently bought a house in the neighboring town of Meridian and are very excited to fix it up and have a yard for their two kids to play. After months of unemployment, John was able to find a job as an operations manager for an online company. Praise the Lord for His provision! Bethany is keeping busy at home with the children and is enjoying this beautiful new place they live in! Thaddeus turned 3 this year and is a ball of fun and emotions, constantly talking to friends and strangers alike. Olive (2) is his polar opposite. She is a quiet little introvert who enjoys playing with tools, animals and adventuring by herself. 

Daniel: is working for the City of Burbank in civil engineering.  He plans to take the Professional Engineering licensing exam in April 2021.  Daniel is still living in the same house in Burbank but exchanged the Mockary family for quieter roommates. He recently began attending a church plant in Glendale called Lighthouse Bible Church Los Angeles and has been enjoying the small church fellowship. 

Carissa:  is still working in Burbank. After being evicted from the family home when everyone moved to Boise, she has taken up residence under a bridge and asks people her riddles three... Carissa serves in the college group at Calvary Bible Church and leads a high school small group.  You can catch her listening to more podcasts than music, reading historical non-fiction books (checkout her Goodreads), referencing movies no one cares about, and maintaining her Yelp Elite status. She misses the family, but still does her best to be the "fun aunt" while still in California.

Brie: is part of the Boise crew living out of their suitcases. Despite this, she has had two major life goals accomplished! First, she got her license and is able to drive completely independently thanks to a wheelchair crane (the envy of both nephews). Second, she got her full-time job in which she scans and digitizes documents. Brie has been enjoying the college group at FCBC and scouting out the best coffee in the Treasure Valley.

Tim Carns