August '18 Update
I’m so grateful for another finished trip to the Philippines. In Baguio, we completed the module on preaching from the prophetic books. The men will now be preparing sermons from Zechariah and Revelation to preach for the next module in early February.During this trip, I had the opportunity to travel to the city of Cagayan de Oro (CDO), which is in the northern part of the province of Mindanao. There was a 2-day conference on Preaching the Gospel featuring Dr. Steve Lawson. Nearly 500 pastors and church leaders were in attendance and I was able to speak with many of them personally. During the conference, I manned the table promoting the Expositor’s Academy. Some of our current students were also there promoting the Expositor’s Academy, which was encouraging to see! Several pastors at the conference showed great interest in “learning how to preach like Pastor Steve” and nearly 40 signed up to receive more information about getting trained.It looks likely that we will begin training there early next year. While this is an encouraging and exciting new opportunity to open another location, it will also require more time and laborers to continue teaching there. Please be praying for God to continue to raise up men and support to continue on the expansion of His gospel!
There and Back Again
I am now preparing to leave for a 5-week trip around the world (similar to last year) that begins September 7. This time, I will first be traveling to Malawi where I will be teaching New Testament Survey to the Master of Divinity students of Central African Preaching Academy (CAPA). Directly after that, I will be flying to the Philippines to teach the sixth and final module to the first batch of students in both Cebu and Davao, which will be followed by a graduation ceremony. Tina will be meeting me in Davao and we will both be taking a trip to Cambodia to meet with pastors who are interested in training there.
Prayer Requests
Praise for new opportunity in CDO and possibly Cambodia.
Pray for God’s direction regarding the nearly 80 pastors who signed up at the conference, expressing interest in training.
Please pray for my next trip, I will be gone from 9/7-10/26. Pray for health, safety, and effective training.
Pray as well for Tina who will be traveling with me in Davao and Cambodia, ministering to the women (and me as well).
If You Wish to Support Us
If the Lord leads you to support this ministry, you can do so by check or online. Beginning August 2018, please make your donations directly to GMI.
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If you have been donating on a regular basis, please take a moment to click the link and set that up online. This way you won’t have to try to remember to do it each month or quarter.OR you can give your support the old fashioned way by check, made out to “GMI” with “Tim Carns” noted on the memo line. You can then mail it to Grace Ministries International, 13248 Roscoe Blvd, Sun Valley, CA 91352.While it is preferred that you send your donation to GMI, if you would like to continue to send it to Calvary Bible Church, the money will eventually make it to our GMI account.