Getting Close to January Launch!

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His lovingkindness endures forever!”  —Ps 107:1

 As I sit down now to write (I mean, type), Thanksgiving is now in the rear view mirror and the Christmas season looms ahead. But for the Carns household this year, Christmas will not only be one of tradition but also transition. That’s right

Urban Training Center Set to Begin in 2016 LA

And the pastor training ministry is beginning to take shape. The Urban Training Center, right here is Los Angeles, is set to begin in 2016. I will be one of several teachers in this new program which has the goal of equipping men in urban contexts to be faithful expository preachers and godly shepherds. I am excited about this opportunity because the need for solid expositors is just as great in here in Los Angeles as in many parts of the world.The program is structured to have cohorts of no more than 20 men taking 10 modules over a two year time period. This will cover:

  • Preaching
  • Theology
  • Counseling
  • Pastoral Leadership
  • Church History
  • Biblical Theology

In addition, to the coursework the program will include personal accountability and mentoring for these men. Please be in prayer that God would give wisdom and insight to those leading and teaching in this program and that He would be preparing the hearts of the men He desires to come.

1st Semester of D.Min. Program Almost Done!

I would also appreciate your prayers for my continued studies in the Doctor of Ministry program that I am currently enrolled in at The Master’s Seminary. I took my first classes in July and am just now finishing (or more accurately hoping to finish) the assignments that are due on December 12th. These include about 6500 pages of reading and over 30 papers of varying lengths! The next session will take place in January and will include teaching from Steve Lawson, John MacArthur and Alistair Begg.

Support Update – We’re At 40%!

Finally, I wanted to give an update on our support as several people have been asking us. At this point we are about 40% of the support needed for the Pastor Training Ministry. Since I will only be on staff part-time at Calvary we need to come up with support for our living expenses for the rest of the year as well as travel and resource expenses for the pastor training.So, if you have been considering and praying about support, now is the time to act! J We need to know by the end of December if you plan to provide support. If you wish to pledge or to begin support in January please let us know by emailing me at We will be trying to set up on line donations in the near future to make monthly giving (or whatever frequency you choose to give) more convenient. All donations are to be made to Calvary Bible Church and noting Carns-Missions on the memo line.We are so appreciative of your partnering with us in whatever way you are able, especially in prayer.Next update: Stay tuned for some possible exciting news regarding an opportunity I am exploring in the Philippines .