Celebrating Passion Week


Christian holidays are not commanded in the New Testament. Yet with holidays like Christmas and Passion Week (the week between Palm Sunday and Easter), believers are given a wonderful opportunity to  celebrate Jesus’s birth, death and resurrection.

Many pages of the gospels are filled with what Jesus said and did. Taking extra time to read, remember, and relive those miraculous events can be an uplifting and worshipful time for the whole family.My husband came across a helpful resource which puts the events of Passion week into chronological order, also called a harmony of the gospels. As a family, we would read what happened on each day of Passion Week and do something special to make it come more alive for our kids.

Click Here for some ideas based on our family traditions.

Palm Sunday

Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a young donkey as the crowds shout, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” recognizing Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah (Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-34 and John 12:12-19).Activities


Jesus cursed the Fig tree (Matthew 21:18-19), cleansed the temple of money-changers who were dishonoring the place of worship (mark 11:15-18) and spoke to some Greeks about his death (John 20: 20-36).Activity


The fig tree that Jesus cursed on Monday was withered (Matthew 21:19b-22). Later the chief priests and elders confronted Jesus about the origin of his authority whereby he condemns their unbelief through the telling of parables. He ends his teaching time by telling them what will happen after his death and resurrection (Matthew 21:23-23:39).Activity


Judas made arrangements to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. (Matthew 26:1-16)Activities


Jesus had the last supper with his disciples and spoke about the coming of the Holy Spirit and the disciples’ future (Matthew 26:17-29 and John 14-16). Judas betrayed Jesus and he was arrested (Matthew 26:47-56).Activities

Good Friday

The trial of Jesus (Matthew 26:57-27:26). The crucifixion of Jesus (Matthew 27:27-56). The burial of Jesus (Matthew 27:57-66).

  • Attend Good Friday Service

  • Hymns focused on the crucifixion of Jesus


The tomb was guarded (Matthew 28:11).Activities

Resurrection Sunday

Resurrected Jesus appeared to his disciples and other faithful followers (Matthew 28:9-20; Mark 16:9-20; Luke 24:13-53; John 19:31-42).Activities

  • Baking and eating Tomb Rolls for breakfast

  • Special lunch

    • Lamb-because Jesus was the lamb who was slain

    • Ham-because Jesus’s death brought the Gentiles into the Church

    • Baked Russet Potatoes-because it looks like the stone that was rolled away

    • Asparagus Spears-the soldiers pierced Jesus’s side with a spear

    • Garden of Gethsemane Salad- green salad with black olives to remind us that Jesus prayed and was arrested on the Mount of Olives.

    • Bread- to remind us of the last supper

    • Cream Puffs- to remind us that Jesus ascended into the clouds and will return the same way he left.

    • Hymns focused on Christ’s Resurrection

      • Up from the Grave He Arose

      • Christ the Lord is Risen Today

In addition, you can create a special Passion Week playlist, much like we do for Christmas! Music is such a great way to worship in addition to filling our minds with scripture and praying. I pray you have a blessed week, celebrating the Savior.*Most content was taken from Robert Thomas and Stanley Gundry: A Harmony of the Gospels; San Francisco,CA; Harper Collins Publishers, 1978