Sept '19 Update: Meet Pastor Tabs
Pastors of CDO
Greetings from Cagayan de Oro! Tina and I left last week for a three-week trip to Cagayan de Oro and Cebu, Philippines. Please be praying for our time with the pastors and their wives, as well as our health and safety. Here are some other specific requests.
Pastor Marvin Knight
Pray for Tina as she teaches several seminars to the women while I am working with the pastors on their modules.
Be praying for the pastors as we are starting the more difficult genres and it is a challenge for them.
Pray for Pastor Marvin Knight who is traveling with me to help out with the training. He is from the church at South Mountain, Arizona.
On my last trip, I was able to speak with Pastor Tabs from Baguio City about his experience with the expository preaching program. Pastor Tabs is the youth pastor of Guiding Light Church and has been part of the youth ministry for 20 years.
He says “I used to think studying the word of God was about commentaries, looking at what other people said going online and looking at other preaching. I thought I was doing the work already, but when you came and laid out these steps to go through, it opened up a whole new way for me to study the word of God. It brought me a deeper understanding how precious, how rich the word of God is.”
Please take a few minutes and watch the full interview. You will be greatly encouraged!
Pray for Pastor Tabs as he faces ministry challenges ahead.
His and his family’s transition into full-time ministry from his previous full-time job as a teacher.
God has been opening up many opportunities for him to preach both in the church and outside – pray the Lord would help him be faithful in preaching.
Coming alongside the young people, understanding what they are going through and presenting to them to God’s word, then helping the live out God’s word.