July ’19 Update: Be Fervent in Prayer

As James said, "The prayers of a righteous man accomplishes much." One of the things for which we are most grateful in this ministry is your prayers. And so, in this month's update, I wanted to ask if you would pray specifically for each location in the Philippines to which I will be traveling: Baguio, Quezon City, and Davao City. I have given prayer requests for each location below.

Baguio: Graduation Day

Original Baguio City class in 2017 during their very first module, all but three are on track to graduate.

Original Baguio City class in 2017 during their very first module, all but three are on track to graduate.

My first stop will be Baguio City to teach the sixth and final module. We will be celebrating the men’s graduation at the end of the week. All but three men from the first module are still on track to graduate. Praise the Lord for their great perseverance over these last few years.

Pastor Mike Berry from Cornerstone Fellowship Bible Church in Riverside will be coming with a STM team and helping with the module.

Prayer Requests for Baguio City

  • The students would finish strong and complete all their assignments so they can graduate

  • Graduation will be an encouragement to the men and to the churches that support them

  • Their faithfulness in being godly and accurate preachers of the truth to their flocks

  • The possibility of a second class with pastors from more rural areas

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Quezon City: Studying then Preaching

My second stop will be Quezon City. Part of the week I will be sequestered in the hotel to grade, prep for other fall trips, and study. At the end of my time there, I will be preaching at Higher Rock Christian Church on Sunday

Prayer Requests for Quezon City

  • I would be an encouragement to the saints at Higher Rock as I preach and fellowship there.

  • For Pastor Bob and his wife Sukie for healing from health issues and strength as they serve the congregation.

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Davao City: The Expository Preaching Conference

My final stop will be to Davao City, where I first will be preaching at Soli Deo Gloria, then I will be part of a conference on expository preaching which will hopefully encourage pastors in the area to participate in the training program.

Prayer Requests for Davao City

  • Many potential students would attend the conference and get involved in training.

  • The conference would ignite passion for preaching God’s word accurately and clearly among the pastors in Mindanao

  • I would be an encouragement to the saints at Soli Deo Gloria as I preach and fellowship there

Leaving August 8 and Returning August 26

In addition, please be praying for the trip overall – for my health, safe travel, sermon and class preparation. I leave August 8 and return August 26.

If You Wish to Support Us

If the Lord leads you to support this ministry, you can do in several different ways: 

  1. Credit Card: go to our GMI link. Note that GMI covers all online expenses so that 100% of your donation goes to our support.

  2. Direct Deposit: print out the form from this link and follow its instructions. The missionary/project name is “Tim Carns”.

  3. Check: make it payable to “GMI” and write “Tim Carns” on the memo line. Then mail it to Grace Ministries International, 13248 Roscoe Blvd., Sun Valley, CA 91352.

Tim Carns