March 2017 Update



Hear from the Filipino Pastors

In His mercy, God has been working through pastoral training in the Philippines and it has been a joy to see the impact on the men there. In this update, I wanted to share their feedback from this past module so that you might be encouraged as well. Here are some of the comments I received:

  • “I cannot measure how this course encouraged and inspired me to preach. It exposed my weaknesses and limitations as a preacher, but I believe that it is God’s way of answering my prayer to be equipped and to be used more efficiently in this area of preaching.”
  • “I realized that my current methods of studying the Bible are too shallow and not sufficient to provide my audience with biblical knowledge that is both pleasing to God and men. This module greatly helped me to set my bible study methods in order. Praise God.”
  • "This class has had an impact in helping me to rightly make an outline of a sermon, not just as the Holy Spirit leads me."
  • “I praise God for this ministry, it really helped me in so many aspects of my present ministry, especially as a preacher & teacher of the word in our church. Pastor Tim is so effective in engaging us in discussion. I’m not so much in technology so I find his method of great help.”

I guess that last remark regarding technology just reveals my age 😊. In any case, it has been a great blessing to see the desire these men have to know God’s word and accurately proclaim it.

Passing On What Has Been Entrusted

Pastor Robbie Casas speaks about what this training has meant to him and how he is using what he has learned in the courses to teach pastors in the remote mountain areas of his city. This is really the heart of our goals – to pass on what has been entrusted to faithful men who will in turn pass it on to many more.

Prayer Requests

Thank you for your continued prayer and financial contributions to this ministry. God is using you to further his gospel abroad. Here are a few specific requests to bring before the Lord on our behalf:

  • Philippines: I am off again to the Philippines from 04/20 to 05/11 doing pastors training with The Expositor’s Academy in both Davao and Cebu. Please pray for my health and safety and that I would be helpful to the pastors there. I’ll be teaching the third module which includes evaluating their sermons from the narrative passages as well as how to preach from the poetic and wisdom literature.
  • Tina: She will meet me on the second leg of my trip in Cebu and minister to the women through various teaching opportunities. Pray for her preparation and safety and that the Lord would use her to be an encouragement to them.
  • Doctor of Ministry Studies: I am beginning my dissertation work this week. Pray that I would be able to do the research efficiently and meet the many deadlines. My first is to have the Introduction done by May 12th. A draft of the entire dissertation (about 200 pages) is due in January.
  • Support: The Lord graciously continues to provide as it looks like we will have what we need for this year (praise the Lord!). Please pray that more churches would join in supporting us.

Support PTM

If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, you can do so by check made out to Calvary Bible Church with ‘suggested use Carns Missions’ on the memo line. The check can be placed in the Sunday offering or mailed to Calvary Bible Church at 1101 S. Main St, Burbank, CA 91506.