Jan '17 Update - Plans Unfold for 2017


Racking up the frequent flyer miles...As I prepare to leave town for my first trip of 2017, I thought I would update you on my travel plans for this year (at least what they are as of now). The Lord has opened up more opportunities for the expository preaching program in the Philippines through the TMAI training center. In addition to modules in Cebu and Davao City, we will be starting two new groups, one in Manila and the other in Baguio City. That means I will be taking FOUR trips to the Philippines this year!Expanding the program makes the pastoral training more accessible to church leaders located in remote areas, one of our goals for the ministry. As you can see on the map below, we are in the far north (Baguio) and far south (Davao) as well as in the central part (Cebu) of the Philippines.

 2017 TRAVEL DATES Manila and Baguio  - Module 1(Jan 26 – Feb 13)Davao and Cebu - Module 3(Apr 20 – May 11)Manila and Baguio - Module 2(Aug 10 – Aug 27)Davao and Cebu - Module 4October (TBD)

Thankfully, Tina will be able to join me for two of the trips (in May to Cebu and in August to Baguio) where she will teach a women’s conference.The Philippines is not the only place I will be traveling to this year as I will also be squeezing a trip to Malawi in early September to teach at the newly formed seminary there. And while I would love to do more (there are several other potential opportunities) I need to be wise with my time for this year as I try to complete the program for the Doctor of Ministry degree.Degree UpdateWhich takes me to the other significant part of my plans this year which is to stay on track for getting my D.Min. degree by May 2018. I finished my last in class module in January which means I still have a number of books to read (what else is new!) and papers to complete.You can see our class photo for those guys who hope to graduate on time along with our program director, Dr. Steve Lawson. Now if you are having trouble spotting me, my daughter, Carissa, made a few minor edits to assist you.[gallery ids="750,752" type="rectangular"] For some reason, my family prefers the updated picture. Anyway, once I am done with the assignments for the spring semester, I need to complete a draft of my doctoral dissertation. For those of you interested my working title is Key Hermeneutical Principles for Preaching the Minor Prophets.

Prayer Requests

And so, this proves to be another busy year! Your prayers are much needed and appreciated.

  • Please be praying for the pastors who are attending the preaching program that is starting in Baguio and Manila. So far there are over 40 pastors registered. Pray that they would be blessed and challenged in their preaching of the word.
  • Pray also for me as I preach each Sunday I am there at three different churches; pray that the Spirit would empower me to preach accurately, clearly and with conviction.
  • I always appreciate prayer for my health and physical stamina as well as for safe travels
  • Please pray also that God would protect my wife and daughter while I am gone

Lastly, we have a huge PRAISE! We give thanks to the Lord for providing for our needs. Because much support came in during December, it looks like we will have the support we need for this coming year! Thank you to all who have contributed to this ministry - financially, prayerfully, and through other ways.If the Lord leads you to continue supporting this ministry, you can do so by check made out to Calvary Bible Church with ‘suggested use Carns Missions’ on the memo line. The check can be placed in the Sunday offering or mailed to Calvary Bible Church at 1101 S. Main St, Burbank, CA 91506